I wish I had space for a real christmas tree filled with baubles collected all around the world. I kid you not when I saw the same tree I had in my head with as many as hundreds of ornaments hanging on it. My heart skipped a beat. I grew up with an artificial christmas tree taller than me with fairy lights...
I've a recent obsession with pop ups but weekends are usually so busy being a domestic helper that I have to miss majority of them. FINALLY managed to pay Crateful a visit, worth an afternoon though with the nooks and crannies in the tiny shop...if I can I could have stayed there all day long just going through the products they have. ...
My annual pilgrammage to the land of dimsum started off bright and early. I love taking planes at daybreak to reach my destination before it wakes up - at least I get a full day ahead of me...better still if I gain a day! I usually try to stay for at least 3 days, and time is never enough. Here's my really short...
With all the weddings nailed for November, there was just one I was looking forward to all year long. The dear sister's and I was taking on all the roles I had thrown at her previously. First up, bridesmaid. Not the comfyest of all dresses but at least we all looked pictureperfect. 615am I was plucked awake from slumberland and started the morning...
I am not sure when I stopped shopping in physical stores but whilst I did, I mostly shopped at U2 (once a brand under G2000), Mango and Sports Girl (Yet another now defunt Australian brand). The Mango sales were THE sales then in my schooling days and if anything, their sales probably honed my ability to shop under duress. The preview sale days...
I struggled internally before deciding to come out of the woods on this - I am an endometriosis warrior and I am not alone in this. This entry is completely my own opinions and experience, certainly beats a non-endometriosis patient saying how one should seek treatment if you have mentrual pain yada, read it straight off the keyboard of one. Some textbook symptoms...
"After women, flowers are the most lovely thing God has given the world" - Christian Dior. Well spoken indeed, by yet another favourite designer. My latest infatuation with wild flowers has brought the Hubba on a journey too, and here's his best attempt at gifting a bouquet of his idea of wild flowers. I say, he did pretty well. :)...
2 pairs for $10. Hello Kitty. Sold. Does not help that this mania is growing at an exponential rate! So much for being a closet kitty fan. Hur hur. :x ...