
It's beginning to smell like Christmas

12:00 PM

I wish I had space for a real christmas tree filled with baubles collected all around the world. 
I kid you not when I saw the same tree I had in my head with as many as hundreds of ornaments hanging on it. My heart skipped a beat.

I grew up with an artificial christmas tree taller than me with fairy lights and baubles that clanged against each other in screeching sounds...until the mom got so annoyed with the tree outliving 12 days of christmas and nearly into CNY since none of us were interested in taking it down. So, we ended up with a miniature one no taller than a bedside lamp which in my opinion completely defeats the purpose since presents cannot be placed under. 

Someday I suppose we'll get there but until then, I am happy with my christmas wreath with Gingy sitting in it.

Paranoid me doesn't dare to hang it permanently with our doors closed - if my door knobs could be stolen before we moved in, I am sure it will be gone in no time!

And....we're less than a month to christmas!!! 
Have you started shopping yet?

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