
Behind themarriedchapter

This pretty much sums up the author(s) behind all the writing. Mostly written by me (the wife), occasionally and infact very rare guest posts by him (the hubba).

Seen me somewhere?

I happen to also be a food blogger by night and a corporate slave by day. I live to eat, shop, travel but forced to work.

Why themarriedchapter?

The wedding was the main reason behind the hatching of the blog but is a space then for the other non-food related entries..rather than have theweddingchapter, thebabychapter...etc, why not just have one for all? 

What's next?

We have graduated out of newly weds, to not so newly weds and now parents.

All views are our own and unless otherwise stated, all experiences are not sponsored.
All photos taken  do credit if you decide to use any of them.

Mail us at phoebefmq@gmail.com for collaborations/reviews! We promise not to bite. :P


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