Recent ear worm that resonates. With Christmas approaching, the year draws to a close and that often gives me much to reflect on. The Hubba and I have alot to be thankful for this year...for each and every blessing given. Enjoy! :) Here we stand, here we are With all our wounds and battle scars From all the storms and all the wars...
February and October are two months in a year that my family celebrates birthdays. My dad and I and my Mom and sis. Against her wishes, we insisted on giving the Mom a birthday bouquet this year, a properly wrapped one! Roses and carnations just so the Dad would not "forget" how different they are. There was a single birthday that went by...
Homemade popsicles was a bandwagon that I was definitely hopping on after all the weekly stashes of icecreams that we had been carting home and it reached a point of - so which flavour should we eat next? We are a family of icecream chugsters and having a family over means 1.5 tubs of icecream gone or better still, a box polished off...
I never quite thought I'd end up counting our milestones by month...not that marriage has gotten any less exciting or fun as started out but we have to admit, reality does bring us to ground zero and fairytales somehow-along-the-way have ceased to exist. Today marks our 20th month of <strike> blessed </strike> <strike> happy </strike> <strike> ok, wonderful </strike> union, on good days...
Hubba introduced me to this bookstore, one that is unlike the MPHs and's...this stored a whole wealth of reading material for christian growth. Growing up, I relied alot on Sunday School and cellgroup to provide me with supplements and this has to be a haven! Tons of books though not all titles on can be found here...better than none mesays and...