

2:59 PM

Homemade popsicles was a bandwagon that I was definitely hopping on after all the weekly stashes of icecreams that we had been carting home and it reached a point of - so which flavour should we eat next? We are a family of icecream chugsters and having a family over means 1.5 tubs of icecream gone or better still, a box polished off in a single seating. 

For the record, we have tried nearly all the flavours possible in the supermarts. 

I suppose following mommies on instagram rubs off some of these things onto me. Healthier eating that is, in too cute to resist forms. So I found myself purchasing a set of these too cute zokupops.

My first set of blueberry lemon yogurt pops. An overly ambitious one because

1) Blueberries curdle with yogurt when blended
2) The blend after is a horrifically dense and thickened mixture that I froze anyway
3) Beyond the sweetness is an almost gag worthy gritty and unpleasant popsicle.

Lesson learnt, fresh blueberries do not react well with yogurt.

Now now avocado milkshake popsicles! If avocado milkshake works, why not in popsicle form? This was a rousing success - HOORAY.

Apple and yakult went hand in hand but the colours aren't so pretty here. Maybe the fruity flavoured yakults would work better!

Coconut-Grape! Freezing coconut juice was not sucha a bad idea afterall! If only I can control how these fruits end up freezing..

This dark one proved to be the yummiest to date, orange oreos and milk popsicle! This was uber creamy and can pass off as chocolate icecream too!

Honey lemon lime popsicles paired with a honey jello, the contrast was nice with sour and sweet.

THAT heartbreaking moment when one of popsicle sticks went missing. :( Now my set is incomplete. SIGH.

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