Face it, the power of social media has long taken a toll on the influx of information that we all get exposed to every single ticking minute of the day. And, the more connected I am, the more information I get. And reality is...the circle of life revolves around schooling, dating, working, getting married and having children. Mid thirties throws me a curve...
Valentine's oh valentine's...this particular over commercialised and over romanticized date right smack between my wedding anniversary and birthday has always been special for me - a crazed die hard romantic. The Hubba would love for me to declare this a day of no expenditure or indulgences but seriously, HOW CAN? Plans for this date usually happens way ahead for me, being the planner...
The journey to conceiving was planned for. I type this as I am trying to, I'm not sure what made it seem like a breeze. At least in all the teen pregnancy articles, it does seem so but fertility is pretty much the taboo topic once we all hit the marriageable age and of course, what comes with it child bearing. It took...