journey to parenthood


12:00 PM
I had ideals in my head for parenthood - in the most cliche manner ever. I wanted to breastfeed exclusively, build a bond so strong through that and...well, save some pennies with breastmilk. Plus, it helps lose weight. Then I realized that ideals do not exist. They are ideals for a reason and the last thing actually in parenthood is for things to...


journey to parenthood

Tula bash

4:26 PM
I joined my mummy friends at the Tula bash over the weekend and also to celebrate the first year anniversary of Tula Stocking Buddies! How lucky were we to nab these golden tickets to the event - turns out, the wait list was super long! Us and our tulas. Finally C can fit into one without the insert! One with the founder, Ula...



Letters to Speckie: Where did all the time go?

12:00 PM
Dear Cyrus, "Where did all the time go?" is a question that I repeatedly asked myself since the day you arrived. It does seem that time fly by a lot faster...and I try to keep track of your milestones (and that scrapbook that's been collecting dust), update your social media accounts (by the time all these make sense to you, it'd have been...


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