Onederful C

For the record - The toilet roll

12:00 PM
   C has a habit of putting things back exactly where he took (hooray cos both his dad and mom are horrible at this so none of us can lay claim on this attribute). And one such morning, I gave him a toilet roll to be entertained while I dressed up for work and then told him casually to put it back -...



Life lesson 101: Mixing with older kids

10:25 AM
The header of this entry could be a sweeping statement somewhat but my view of older children and interactions with them have definitely changed after this particular encounter. I once mused about gracious older children who took him on as a little brother and included him in their games. The nice ones..and of course in any real world, there will be the big...


Onederful C

Achievement unlocked: Assembling a toy

12:00 PM
I chanced upon this really interesting toy whilst taobao surfing and got it carted out almost immediately. Then came assembly, who should do it? HAHAHA. The default has always been the Hubba and I decided to unlock the achievement. There, finally assembled though it took me a fair bit of figuring out how. And it entertained him for a good two days until...


Onederful C

Sakura Matsuri 2018 Gardens by the Bay

3:33 PM
   Purchasing the Gardens Annual Pass has to be one of the best buys when we get to check out festivals like Sakura and Poinsettias over Chinese New Year. What I did not expect was our nation's obsession with this Japanese import, the first weekend it was launched the carpark was so full we gave up. Subsequently every other weekend seemed so full...


Onederful C

Milestone Update: 21 months

10:58 AM
Wow, 21 months. The months keep flying by and the days...are long. Sucha contradiction sometimes. And where are we? I'm so thankful for the chinese immersion class we put him into, he can understand chinese now, his name and reply when he fancies. Some improvement is better than zilch! The word associations are going on super strong - Papa's car, Ah Gong's car,...


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