
Milestone Update: 21 months

10:58 AM

Wow, 21 months.

The months keep flying by and the days...are long. Sucha contradiction sometimes. And where are we?

  • I'm so thankful for the chinese immersion class we put him into, he can understand chinese now, his name and reply when he fancies. Some improvement is better than zilch!
  • The word associations are going on super strong - Papa's car, Ah Gong's car, Sai Sai scared (good lord, when did Cyrus become Sai sai??), Mama pat pat! I love how he can complete the songs and our favourite bible verse together: Jeremiah 29:11.
  • He can articulate his thoughts and feelings alot better than just screaming and rolling on the floor (we scored our first roll on the floor in full public eye at Decathlon no less. Hooray, milestone checked. Hurhur).
  • Swimming is his favourite weekend activity, we got it so bad when he was asking to swim every other minute of the day. Coach thinks he is progressing well - he dares to dip his head under water now. :)
  • "Same same" matters, from food to drink to...wanting to be an adult. 
  • We introduced him the scooter and the helmet! 
  • He excitedly points out his friends to me in school (and gets ignored mostly. sigh!) and names them at home too. We're all so happy he loves school more than home ahha!
3 more months to the big two! 

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