
Milestone Update: 23 months

9:42 AM


As we approach the terrible twos, the frequency of the tantrums have definitely increased and the patience testing games have started.

  • He's gotten a lot more vocal and by means of vocal includes being heard in a play that requires silence and church when the pastor was preaching.
  • "Where we going?" He asked in the most earnest and adult like fashion one weekend. I was trying hard not to laugh. Will these why questions start soon?
  • His favourite breakfast item is now cereal and vegetables (refers to this vegetable snack we got off iherb and decided it was too tasty to eat on its own, so why not mix in with baby cereal which we stocked so much off!)
  • We attended our first play with Act3, Aviva fundae, Children's Festival...argh, the backlog! He's at an age where all these still intrigue him so yay for us.
  • The persistence is AMAZING. He wailed for a good 20 minutes outside the house just because we did not allow dirty slippers in the house - say what? He went to school in slippers too all because, shoes suddenly became the arch enemy.
  • His first taste of croissant when we the asshole parents decided to have high tea one garang weekend and had to cave into stuffing him with food.
  • Trains and dinosaurs are the hottest toys.
  • He uses English and Chinese quite interchangeably, preferring to say 喝水 instead of drink water. 
And with that, we are gonna turn 2 so soon! GASP.

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