
Milestone Update: 27 Months

2:43 PM


 TWENTY SEVEN MONTHS. The numbers just get larger eh...we're seeing your character emerge slowly and surely though it really is not too far off from how you were like in the womb, much less the earlier months of babyhood.

This month, we celebrate you...

  • Being in love with school. Our second parent teacher meeting saw a glowing report (well which preschooler would have a not so glowing report? haha!)...the teachers are pleased with your progress in school. You speak mandarin when the need arises though not effectively bilingual we are happy in this department you are moving somewhere!
  • Art and music remain your favourites and mama is sorry we have not been doing much of the home made fun as much as we would!
  • Our first overseas holiday without gong gong or popo! That is a milestone for us as a family and we stuck together like glue. Disneyland finally has some meaning to you and the day you returned to school you told almost everyone about Hongkong, Disneyland and meeting Mickey mouse.
  • We made history with your first nap in the stroller at Disneyland. What took us so long though?
  • You made some progress swimming! Now you can take on the noodle and the swim board. Whee! Baby steps eh.
  • Soccer is truly your favourite, you look forward so much to it that the only trouble I have is getting you to wear knee length socks and everything else is a breeze. Except you have started snatching balls and cones with your friend - tsk tsk.
  • Being a stickler to how things have always been done. Routines make you secure and not following them somehow tests your patience and ours too. You must step on a stool to brush your teeth every morning, shower, go for breakfast and school. Snacks are only allowed after soccer and swimming and you repeat after me "snack after swimming" as if to mentally remind yourself the order of things. How cute at times when you are not getting all cranky because I pushed your naptime by 2 hours. HAHA.
  • Shouting at the top of your lungs is unfortunately still your way of being heard and mama smacked your lips once. :(
  • "So lucky", you have been saying randomly and yes baby boy, you are so lucky and so blessed.
  • "I don't know." to almost everything and...I am always caught offguard how I should respond!   

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