
Beginning of the next chapter

2:50 PM

Hi there!

The full time corporate slave and foodie from thefoodchapter.blogspot.com has embarked on another chapter called "Getting Married" and will be documenting this journey for all brides-to-be and maybe in future mommies-to-be/mommies as a reference. Maybe it is an inspiration to you or perhaps, serves as a reminder not to make the mistakes I did *choy!*

It has been a whirlwind journey since the fateful day of May 5. For a start, both our sets of parents are already good friends (*phew) and we have decided not to take on traditions like Guo Da Li and no geomancer's opinion was sought for the selection of our date. It was more of a looks good, sounds nice and church is available too kind of decision!

Sit back, grab a drink as you join me on my journey to transiting from Miss to Missus. :)

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