
Ramblings of a chillax bride

3:19 PM

We began 2014 on a high, literally. Popping champagne in a bar and confetti streaming as we welcomed 2014 has been one of those things I did years back. When I thought it was a chapter begone, we decided to repeat the same euphoria high last year to commemorate us having a happening countdown before we both start a new chapter and maybe not have the chance to do so till some time later.

As I write, there is a month to go, people have been randomly texting me about the progress and whatnots - sincerely appreciate the concern but the question is, are people freaking out more than me or I'm just not freaking out yet.

There were moments in this entire process that I wished for more time, more patience, more and more of everything else..and still succumbed to the bridezilla in me - just once!

So this was the gown I picked first, vintage with splashes of colour and most importantly, it was light as a feather. There was the other that was hung in the new arrivals rack and I quickly shunned it when told there was a surcharge for it. I even set the mind on this without trying others and signed to secure the dress turning a deaf ear to the coordinator's reminder that any change would require a fee. Indecisiveness nagged and kicked in shortly after that a gown should be all white, princessy and well, that's what all photos paint the happy bride so.

And changed I did, most regretfully. While I blame the bridezilla at work or any other element that would have contributed to this decision, I am finally happy with the gown - there is afterall THE gown for all. Coincidentally or not, it was the gown I saw hanging on the new rack. As with THE bag and THE shoe and THE MUA. Anything that makes the bride happy.

Fingers and toes crossed that this will not repeat. Indecisive decisions like these definitely do not come cheap. Twiddle my thumbs I am not though but taking things one at a time and adding finishing touches. I could of course fuss about every single thing out there but really, Murphy will visit to screw things and this is probably the most important thing event management has taught me - take a chill pill and all things will work out.

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