
Musings of a married woman

12:00 PM

Fairy dust has settled with our appreciation dinner for our bridesmaids and groomsmen..i suppose we all need some form of closure since it started off on a high and all good things have to come to and end - i surely wish i can stay in a honeymoon suite in every vacay. Penning this as a finale before we move on from all the glittery bits is somewhat bittersweet.

Post wedding dissonance? A wee bit since i spent a good 8 months prepping it...nearly every weekend was spent doing something or thinking how to. 

What did I remember of that day?
Nearly everyone who's been a bride says it's a sleepless night. Some panic through it because of last minute attacks. Sure enough I spent the last 24 hours in a mad rush - thank goodness I did not arrange my manicure session the day before, decorating of the church took almost 4 hours and the rest of hurrying about and pottering around the house before I finally retired to bed at almost midnight.

I was thankful for some sleep (horror stories of brides who are too excited to sleep plagued me) and being rudely awakened at 530am to bathe before my MUA arrived.

The rest went by way too fast. Church was panicky because the dear dad decided to take a toilet break just minutes before we were supposed to take to the aisle. #majorfreakoutmoment

Lots of photos later and no lunch, the solemnization was over and buffet wiped out. I remember sitting with my newly minted husband on the bench in the tentage over his meal of Mcdonalds wondering if all weddings were this sweaty, hot and tiring. My angpow box nearly collapsed from the heat.

A crazy dash to the hotel and it was not long after that my MUA arrived again for the dinner hair and makeup. 2 hours later, we were downstairs mingling with our guests before heading up for the last freshening up and our first march in. We were busy finding the slit in the cake to continue the pretense of cutting the wedding cake - I applaud those who can look so natural on stage.

I don't remember the first and second dish tasting quite like anything we had during the food tasting and truly I was disappointed but everyone else said otherwise. I guess this is what stress does to your tastebuds - screw them.

We headed up after the second dish for the hairdo change and boy, it was crazy fun in the suite with my MUA - snap after snap with his directed poses...and we went down without a dab of lipstick! Hilarity aside, we were just so glad it was ending. I can just go on and on and on about how the entire day went - we both collapsed from exhaustion infront of our room service dinner served at 1am. By normal standards, I never say no to food, supper included but for the first time in my life, my appetite was muted.

And I am glad to say, we completed counting our ang pow box money at a grand hour of 3am.

How is married life?

Our first Valentine's Day as a married couple was spent overseas which gave the husband every reason not to get me a full bouquet - yes i insist on the formalities. Being overseas meant he was let off with the symbolic. 

Maybe I am one day closer to "everyday is valentine's day" but until then, thankful for the thoughtfulness!

Currently, we are busy with the house. We decided to go without the ID and be our own, as a gauge; we spent an entire weekend getting quotes for just the sink and the bits and bobs of the toilet - don't even talk about the WC yet. If it's a victorious start, we bought our dining table and 4 chairs!!

More posts on that but we have somehow found a routine around each other's lifestyles. The full onslaught of the real married life will only set in when the house comes and I will think twice about dumping laundry into the basket or being choosy about food.

Until then, I am happily counting down to our honeymoon!

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