
Our wedding songlist

12:00 PM

Song choices during a wedding are mostly overlooked and hurried affairs and thank god for youtube these days that saves us all a load of trouble by the top 10 wedding songs and the likes of it.

It did not quite dawn on us how many songs we had to pick until we did a laundry list.
If I knew that they would be playing sappy chinese songs during the banquet itself, I'd have just my own play list. Also, make sure that your PG and VG aren't using the same songs - well for novelty's sake and some element of surprise.

Here's ours for your reference!

Church (Flower girl + Page boy/ Bridesmaids) - Somewhere over the rainbow

We were thankful to have a church friend play these pieces for us. :)

Church (Bride's grand entrance) - Lover's concerto

Childhood montage - Canon in D/Dreams come true, When God made you

I ambitiously used three and kudos to our friends and families who sat through an 8 minute walk down history with us. :)

1st March in - I wanna grow old with you

1st Dish - Remy drives Linguini from Ratatouille 

We both wanted something less traditional or techno like most couples would choose, just nice that we remembered this particular cute food-related movie which was just perfect!

2nd March In - Love remains the same 

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