
Honeymoon shoot with Maria Hedengren

3:23 PM

I have always loved casual photoshoots and ended up being my own photographer for my pre wedding casual shoot but something was not quite complete, frivolity perhaps. The original intent was to have one in Santorini - too pictureperfect to ignore. Well, I figured even an Iphone could take wonders of that gorgeous place. And then, nobody was free during that period.

And then, Istanbul.

By a strange stoke of fate, I clicked on her portfolio, loved her works and flew her to Istanbul. Meeting up with this petite photographer was by itself a hilarity - I spotted her shoes first since I stalk her on instagram and then her face.

We had a whole day together to venture round Istanbul, snap shots and it was the weather that really killed any form of over enthusiasm. I love how easy it was being photographed by Maria, while some were choreographed, most ended up spontaneous. Without further ado, presenting a select few of my favourites

Grand Bazaar - in one of the light shops that we caved in and got a lamp for the house too! I love how this black adn white turned out - all I remember is having a ton of eyes starring at us whilst we were just trying to get over and done with this shot!

I would not opt for a rainy day for a shoot but when life throws you lemons, make lemonade out of it. We made use of the transparant brollies that the hotel kindly loaned us and had some fun.

Dance like nobody's watching. :) I twirled so many times, I may have gotten a headache at the end of it.

My kiss in the rain favourite, right next to the Galata Bridge and truly, it is not the prettiest of places to be at but this turned out so pretty.

I round it off with - laughter. So key in our relationship. I enjoy a good laugh and also watch the hubba bend over in laughter.

We have not decided which will go up on our humble abode's wall yet.. until then, let me get started on the honeymoon entries! If you are interested to read about Maria's blog post on us - click here!

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