
Penang in 48 hours

3:22 PM

In the essence of a lack of a winter holiday in December, we decided to spend New Year's breaking any diet plans, considering how Christmas was filled with enough feasts.

Off to Penang! The first time I have ever taken a bus and climbed the stairs up to an aircraft in Singapore.

Pumped up and looking forward to Penang! It was a short 1 over hour ride, just good enough for a quick rest or reading a book.

As with most of our travels, I compile a list of places to chomp down...! If I can, I always hope for more than one stomach each trip...too much good food, too little time and most importantly, too little space.

One of the many plates of char koay teow consumed in a day. Spelt differently in Penang and tastes a world of difference too.

3D chocolate art in a land where cafe culture is rich and very vibrant. Cafe hopping was certainly on the agenda...perhaps next time!

I made time for their chendol, also another case of same same but different. Chendol in Malacca and Penang are different too!

Embarking on a street art trail is a must! Finding all the murals was such fun, I would recommend embarking on it early in the morning rather than jostling with the crowds before sunset.

Crab Porridge by the roadside that proved to be the best experience ever.

More Char Koay Teow, this time with mantis prawns!

Yet another death defying experience as I waited in line for close to an hour for just one packet of yum.

Due to the lack of time, I had to make to with the penang must tries like roti canai and peanut pancake from the hotel's buffet spread.

My last dash for Apom, an even more delicious take on min jiang kueh straight off a push cart just moments before we left for the airport.

We promise to be back...there's just so much more in Penang to explore!

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