
We are ONE!

5:00 PM

365 days did fly past me and the mister and I are already ONE! The first year is considered a "paper anniversary" and I had to incorporate that into one of the presents.

Simplicity is usually not in my dictionary when it comes to gifting...and I decided to give him 12 presents for the last 12 months..not that the future years ahead would warrant the same kind of fuss.

On this day, one year ago...so many things were going on at the same time on the big day and leading up to it. Of course the pictures and video will serve as a reminder to all the pomp and fuss, but if I could just pin it down to that one thing I remember the day for, it will be this -

The church ceremony that meant the whole world to me. It meant so much having a church ceremony, picking out songs that would have some significance and truth be told, the one song that I picked was only done a few weeks leading up to the wedding.

Come Holy Spirit fall on me now
I need Your anointing come in Your power
I love You Holy Spirit, You’re captivating my soul
And everyday I grow to love You more

I’m reaching for Your heart
You hold my life in Your hands
Drawing me closer to You
I feel Your power renew

Nothing compares to this place
Where I can see You face to face
I worship You in Spirit and in truth

And true enough, one year on, every single time I hear it, it feels extra emotional. 

It certainly is not long being married for a year and with the road ahead so long, it is but a beginning. To which the in laws chimed - tolerating another becomes a norm.

Happy anniversary Mister Wong!

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