
My Zoladex Journey

10:00 AM

In order to treat the endometriosis cyst and prevent it from recurring, I was put on a 6 month long jab - Zoladex. Some gynaes recommend oral medication for 9 months whilst some opt for 6 months Zoladex which sees faster results.

1st month 

I had the jab at the same time as the removal of stitches which hurt alot. Bleeding of wounds is expected since they were still very raw. The first jab hurt like hell too, since I had no idea what to expect and I refused to look at the needle. Pain that ensued thereafter lasted a full day until the next at least, a numbing kind of pain infact...I wouldn't mind lying in bed all day long.

By the way, the needle was horrifically thick - if it helps, close your eyes to meditate. I prayed and sung hymns in my head which imo, helped. 

2nd month

This was a whole lot better, maybe psychologically I was prepared and it lasted shorter than expected and was less painful on the whole but the lingering pain still lasted. Hot flashes persisted and made me dread menopause already. The menses did not come this month and that is a start of what I call getting your cycles screwed.

3rd month

Ultrasound done and the jab administered still did hurt. I wonder who ever said they did not. Hot flashes were still persistent and regular but they definitely were not as terrifying and sharp as the month before. I am getting used to not seeing red every month - no fuss and no pre menstrual stress (the ridiculous bloating, mood swings and bingeing) pretty awesome I say! But in a real case scenario that would mean the real menopause and would come with a host of problems...that being said, this false state of menopause is quite a joy for now.

4th month

Ultrasound done and the jab administered did not hurt so bad like the previous months. Nausea started this month coupled with regular headaches, a read up online did say a rare handful get it so - hooray, I get all three! The hot flashes lasted all the way till the day before the jab which I thought was something new, usually it ebbs away nearer the next scheduled appointment.

5th month

I figured getting jabbed nearer the belly button does take away some pain, or it does not linger so long - for once, it's yay to belly fat. Waking up all sweaty is no fun and at times has made me more frustrated than not. Strangely, the hot flashes have been fiercer than before and the temperaments have soared a far bit, even sleeping in an airconditioned room of 21 degrees has not helped.

Throughout this month I have heard more stories of survivors who have relapses. It did make me disillusioned with the treatment - so why bother if it will recur anyway?

6th month

The body was conditioned to think that the M was coming, not sure how but I was feeling it in my bones. Anyhow with the sixth jab, it definitely kept it away for yet another month. The same heat flushes but otherwise, I am handling it like a pro.

The abovementioned are based on my own experiences and for the record I am not a doctor, symptoms will vary from individual to individual and the usual ones are heat flashes though there may be weight gain, insomnia and all the rest of the menopausal signs.

It is afterall a contraceptive drug and in someway a fertility drug - pregnancy is not expected but should it occur during treatment, your gynae is the best person to consult. :)

So long farewell, Zoladex. Here's one for remembrance's sake.

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