
Bye 2015!

10:03 AM

With 2015 drawing to an end...thought I do a review to count my blessings! Incredibly blessed this year despite the hiccups that happened along the way...I mean, what is a year without hurdles anyway? 

2015 marked my second year as a wife and marriage is still not the easiest journey to undertake. Planning for the wedding was fun, getting married was tiring and maintaining a marriage takes the most effort. I daren't say that we are both on our best behaviour all the time but we take pride in small victories! At least our matching xmas pressies proved we still liked the same things! Tee-hee! 


Domestic goddess on full blast this year, I started off with an ambitious 52 recipes to master by year end - caught the bug and ended up fulfilling that resolution 2/3 along the way. Mighty fulfilling and putting dinners on the table in an hour is but a breeze. haha! And I brag...but finally I get the satisfaction the mom gets with every yummy meal. :)

We made so many trips to Hong Kong in the first half of the year, it was really like my second home. I grew a love for the disney tsum tsum game and started my obsession with collecting the uber cute toys.

Throw in a whirlwind 24 hours in KL just for Nobu, it's things like these that  make me cherish couple life soooo much! 

Second honeymoon to Maldives! A place I never thought of going but somehow caved in because of the cheap tickets...talk about being frivolous, seriously. I challenged myself on so many grounds during this trip - truly, never say never and be surprised of what you can be capable of. 

10 years earlier, I'd have gagged at the thought of a vacay with snorkelling, jetskiing and even baking by the sun. Is this what age does to you?

As much as I hate durian, I actually survived a durian feast and fell in love with the red prawn!? Of all things.

Somewhere in between haze started and we lost our clear blue skies. White fluffy clouds were but a rarity and having to wear masks was a humongous pain for vain us.

Our fourth halloween?! Time truly flies and with age, and patience wans.

Attended our first concert together! Wakin Chau, still the best of the best. I gave up Sammi Cheng for this and possibly no regrets.

Family that I hold so dear, without them life would be oh-so-boring and incomplete. I wish them good health always for without health, wealth is nothing!

Thank God for a good year, for the love and blessings showered because I am complete in You. Now, 2016...come right on!

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