journey to parenthood

Infertility woes: The timeline

12:00 PM
Growing up, I always knew what I wanted. Or paraphrased - the moment I know what I want, I do not let go of it easily. This persistence has given me much sadness in this journey to parenthood, unfortunately. At the start I gave myself the timeline everyone said I should - if I did not hit my jackpot in a year of...


journey to parenthood

Infertility woes: The wait

12:00 PM
In infertility, the only constant is waiting. Waiting for the cycle to end, the 12th day for scanning, 13th day for trigger shot, 14th day for IUI...2ww...rinse and repeat. I suppose the list drags on with IVF...and so how do I shut off the mind's endless thoughts? It's only been 17 months of trying at point of typing this and I already feel...


journey to parenthood

Prof PC Wong - IUI or IVF?

12:00 PM
I began my infertility treatment with a new specialist. So why did I not stick with my current gynae?  I was full of praises for him and his stitching skills after my cyst removal and I was the one who insisted my Hubba went for a sperm analysis. He had a "wait and see" approach, always insisting that we should try naturally and...


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