
Infertility woes: The timeline

12:00 PM

Growing up, I always knew what I wanted. Or paraphrased - the moment I know what I want, I do not let go of it easily. This persistence has given me much sadness in this journey to parenthood, unfortunately.

At the start I gave myself the timeline everyone said I should - if I did not hit my jackpot in a year of marriage, I had to get tested. I suppose that was harsh in the eyes of a gynae even. Discovering the cyst made things simpler because it was not even a year that I had some idea what was stopping us from conceiving.

My gynae told me to try naturally for three months first, after the contraception stopped. And I did, obediently for the first month, the second month went by getting me edgy and by the third cycle I was in a fertility specialist's office getting all the tests run.

Throughout all these months, the Hubba and I had so many of such conversations and they were heartbreaking of course. Heartbreaking that we may have to acknowledge that there will be a limit to these efforts - and each failed attempt brings us closer to it. For sure it stings, it pricks with a vengeance that I know not how to describe.

Somewhere in between a failed IUI cycle, we decided to complete all we can for 3 cycles of IUI and IVF...that we would adopt a fur kid and continue with our greater plans in life. For sure, there will be other joys that we will experience as a couple. My heart aches at this thought, though having a fur princess sounds like a fabulous idea. I could dress her in all the cute outfits, teach her how to play dead...(this may not even materialise if I end up with an alpha dog again).

I hate to admit that a timeline would hold my ultimatum for this journey. That I would have no regrets later in life on not trying hard, or harder. Because this is a decision we both made to the best of our financial and emotional well beings. 

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  1. You may wish to read Miss Ene's blog at https://youdecidelor.wordpress.com for the TCM practitioner whom she consulted for a while at the same time receiving IVF procedures to conceive her first child. She documented what the TCM prescribed and is very positive about the TCM journey which she described as helping her to conceive successfully. She has a contact me page which you may wish to get in touch with her should you wish to ask her questions about the TCM. Type TCM in the search box on the right hand bar to get to the article.


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