
Happy Birthday, Me!

12:00 PM

Crazy overdue but I figured I better document this somewhere before age gets the better of me and...I forget. :P TIME SERIOUSLY FLIES EH? It's APRIL!?

So birthdays, are just another day...an added numeral but I have plenty to give thanks for this year.


The least unlikely birthday cake from the family in the form of a fruit tart from my favourite tart place.

Family has been the root of my existence, literally. I can never imagine life without Mom, Dad or the sis...for the longest time. Marriage was one of those things that changed our dynamics - with new members and of course I do not get to see them as often as I like - hurhur, sticky daughter alert. Strange how before marriage I would find every rhyme and reason not to be home but these days, it's the opposite.


The incredible husband has always been the one who can pull off surprises not as well as me, so I give him credit for booking us a stacaytion and all we did was lie in bed. Room service and well dinner.


Another of those indulgent meals, thank you hubba for always indulging my whims and fancies. I hope we never stop indulging each other. AHHA!


One for the night!


Well, because I didn't get to snap a family picture at my favourite yakitori place. It gives me great pleasure introducing my parents to somewhere new and affordable, lest they keep thinking my meals always bust the bank! 

I suppose with every birthday our wishes get alot simpler,  family time over the rara that used to be signature of younger birthdays. I have had my fair share of spending the night with friends over drinks and coming home almost forgetting how to unlock my own gate. Maybe one day, the frills will cease to exist and all I need is a birthday cake, a candle and all the people I love so dearly around me.

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