
Speckie's gender reveal

12:00 PM

As with all frivolous people, I had grand ideas of a pregnancy announcement, gender reveal and more. But ended up, we daren't even do any of that when we crossed the first trimester, after all that we have been through. I promised myself never to blast these things on social media platforms to unintended audiences, having been the receiving end myself. You never quite know who out there is suffering from infertility too.

Sobering things aside, our immediate families were informed well, almost immediately. Close friends followed suit and lastly, social media.

I was particularly excited about doing a gender reveal, with the full works of a cake and I went to the deets of what cake and which baker even...which all came to naught.  At the end of the day, like a wedding is not about just two of us, neither is having a child. Oh well, perhaps I can do one when we have a pup of our own. HAHA. At least there's more control right, cos that makes me the pup's grandmama if speckie is the parent of the pet.

With just two unknowing dear family members, I let slip of the gender through milk! Banana for a boy and strawberry for a girl!

And we are expecting a lil boy, in the year of the monkey no less. I can foresee plenty of monkey business and naughty tricks up his sleeves already.

Nothing fancy, just snaps for memories. :)


All sealed in a bag with two straws peeking out.


Unveiling the ba-na-na. Haha. 


The official announcement to our friends with his first pair of pre-walkers.

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