C goes to school

Little Splashes Trial Class

12:00 PM
  Spot C and his dada! :p  In my own growing up years, the swimming pool was a friend (not quite best of friends sort) but when the need arose I can swim to save my life but probably not others (clearly, I did not get any certs nor passed any tests beyond the elementary). Then we both thought it was just about...


C goes to school

Happy Trains Trial Class

9:15 AM
Right brain training is the buzz word these days for developing one's child with quantum leaps. How true or even scientifically proven, I may never know until I try. Back in my time, these were unheard of (cues: generation gap) and as the new age parent where everything new is uncharted area which deserves some exploration. I wasn't keen on signing on a...



Happy Mother's Day

4:39 PM
This year's Mother's Day was extra special because...I celebrated it as a special individual. My first Mother's Day cake, from the Hubba to me and it was a fridge surprise that went without a surprise. HAHA!  I was rushing out and actually opened the closed the fridge doors without even checking the contents and the Hubba was surprised I made no mention of...


retail therapy

Babyhilarious Teether and Clip!

11:42 AM
Look what came in the mail? BabyHilarious Fries Clipper! I love how cute this is already and for greedy C, this is just so apt. I love how cute this looks and everything is customizable from the clip to the colours of beads to the teether itself! On hindsight I should've gotten this is mcdees official yellow and red instead. Too cute. We...


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