
Happy Trains Trial Class

9:15 AM

Right brain training is the buzz word these days for developing one's child with quantum leaps. How true or even scientifically proven, I may never know until I try. Back in my time, these were unheard of (cues: generation gap) and as the new age parent where everything new is uncharted area which deserves some exploration.

I wasn't keen on signing on a full term and having to drag both myself and C to class so trial classes are much appreciated.

The hour long class conducted in Chinese went as follows

  • Flashcards for numbers, gemstones and a string of other categories which I clearly did not manage to retain
  • Laminated board activities which range from spending 10 seconds to look at position of the coloured fish and the child had to place them correctly on the board furnished. 
  • Associating flash card pictures to sounds (thunder, rain, seaside)
  • Introduction to the sea turtle and reaching out to touch it
  • Stacking cup game
  • Goodbye song
Classes are conducted in English, Chinese and Japanese.

The hour passed by in a flash and really before I knew it, it was time to say goodbye.

This was how he sat throughout most of the class, hand clutching the back and the other on the table. LOL. If there's any indication how interested he was, I was happy he wasn't fussing much!

I reckon we may not be enrolling him so soon, I still question the effectiveness of such a programme. It may very well just be the age but we'll see!

Happy Train
87 Beach Road, Chye Sing Building, #06-02

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