Dear Cyrus, Fourteen months and a few days have gone past just like that. I once thought writing monthly letters to you would be so easy. And look at where we are. 3 letters over 14 months. You took your confident big steps unassisted a couple of days shy of your 14 months and we were all so joyful! We clapped and cheered...
I made the decision to be a Stay At Home Mom (SAHM) and a conscious one indeed, for an entire week. To think I even canned any holiday plans (but really, air ticket prices just did not justify a trip)...and so with bated breaths I begun my stint as a SAHM. Stop counting the minutes Try as I did during the week not to...
Since Polliwogs at East Point and subsequently Waka Waka, I have become such a Polliwogs fan, it became only natural to check off the other playgrounds under the same group. Truth be told, this is my idea of favourite indoor playground though the equipment are by and large similar, I was pleasantly surprised to see C take on them like a pro. What...
It's hilarious how I'd even think of writing an entry just to address this. Breastfeeding is tough, much less glamorous than it is and taught me so much about myself than I ever imagined. Sounds like a self discovery journey already. I was actually alot tougher than I thought I'd be Until now I salute the moms who wake up to pump, after...
Our craftwork from the session~ A couple of friends had good reviews with Growing Up Gifted (GUG) and since we are at a stage of trialing, I thought why not? At 90 minutes, this had to be one of the longest trial sessions C had under gone and fair enough they had a snack after 45 minutes, it was still 90 minutes of...