
Letters to Speckie: 14 months

6:13 PM

Dear Cyrus,

Fourteen months and a few days have gone past just like that. I once thought writing monthly letters to you would be so easy. And look at where we are. 3 letters over 14 months.

You took your confident big steps unassisted a couple of days shy of your 14 months and we were all so joyful! We clapped and cheered you on and that glee on your face when you made it across the living room and more. These days you are content almost running and always nearly tripping. Thank God for your quick reflexes (this one, please thank your dad).

We had our second staycay overseas too! You love travelling don't you?

One term of playgroup down and the way you and your classmates wave so enthusiastically at each other (the baby way) and gurgle and chatter in your own language is just too cute to watch.

Your ability to mimic us is incredibly cute - throw ball (you grab your gertie ball with such force and slam dunk it on the floor, both dadda and I wish you'd be the next Michael Jordan - hahaha, parents.), point at all the fish in the pond and go "sssssh", whisper an ah-choo when it's supposed to be dramatic and by now you're well acquainted with the family pooch.

You've taken an interest in flipping books, swiping toys off the table (without any clear preference for trains or furry toys or blocks), mouthing duplo blocks and making yourself heard anywhere, everywhere.

Until next month's celebration, keep smiling baby boy! 

(I am just so late in these letters...we are almost hitting 15 months!)

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