
Growing Up Gifted Trial Class

12:00 PM


Our craftwork from the session~

A couple of friends had good reviews with Growing Up Gifted (GUG) and since we are at a stage of trialing, I thought why not? At 90 minutes, this had to be one of the longest trial sessions C had under gone and fair enough they had a snack after 45 minutes, it was still 90 minutes of class time for the accompanying parent.

The programme went as followed with 2 teachers, 1 for English and the other Mandarin

Story telling  in Chinese
Introduction of new alphabat for the week - V
Craft time - PAINTING. My holy nemesis since he was busy attacking the paper, then the vegetables with paints and officially, I dislike paints.

Snack time
Game time involving some crepe ribbons
Music time (this sounded mild on paper but be prepared for tossing of your child in mid air, plenty of rhythm and beats. C was most interested in nailing down the tiniest bits of dirt on the ground.)

For 90 minutes, it does sound like a whole lot to accomplish but time passed really fast. No photography or videography's allowed so that explains for the lack of pictures.

What I liked?

The camaraderie the teachers built with the regular children. It is heartwarming to know how engaged the teachers are with them.

The multilingualism of the class, rather than attend enrichment classes in both languages why not just have two in one?

What I didn't?

The class was a mix of babies and toddlers with the oldest at almost 20 months and with C at 11, the age gap did mean there are moments where he is not able to sit through a session as well as the rest.

What's next?

Back to the drawing board for us!

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