Happy 4th Wedding Anniversary!
1:52 PMOne day late and...happy belated wedding anniversary to the Hubba. With a child in tow, the focus of this blog has shifted to all on the bub and sometimes I forget why this blog was even started. Four years and I absentmindedly thought it was 8. HAHA.
It has not been an easy 4 years, we struggled, fought, had our fair share of disappointments, teary episodes and then...we all emerge a little stronger.
Nobody ever said marriage was easy work, and it wasn't mean to be. It's strange almost how I have forgotten most of my own vow yet I remember part of his - to make me laugh, cry and laugh more than I cry. And well...he did live out that promise and to many more of these annoying years..!
Looking back on our wedding day highlights...I cannot help but muse...we were all skinnier, younger looking and...thought marriage was just the next chapter. :)