
19 months: Milestone Update

5:31 PM

Cyrus exploring the water with his senses

Nineteen months, holy cow. Have we really gotten so far? This month has gone by so so so fast and school made you sucha character with a mind of your own. Did we bring this upon ourselves for starting school this early?

  • New words this month include "switch", "xie xie", he gets incredibly excited when he can point out "same same" objects
  • Food is still one of his greatest loves - try as I might to keep his food choices with varied as possible with little or no seasoning at all. I've gotten the hang of hiding food in his food (meatballs with carrots!)
  • SKIN has been the bane of all our foodie escapades, must've been school and the non-skin chompers. Before school he was the kid who ate nearly everything and now, we have an issue with fruit with skin, pau with skin and...the list goes on for almost eternity. Terrific twos?
  • Cooking for him has gotten wayyyy more fun with more cooking techniques - pasta sauces, homemade bread, sweet potato pau, tortilla, pita bread and....icecream! Dadda got us an icecream machine and I've dabbled with flavours like banana and sweet potato for the bub and honey avocado and brown sugar cookies for adults!
  • I randomly discovered he can count to 10 and recite A to Z after me..SO CUTE! And the gusto he has always amuses all of us.
  • He loves helping us do little chores, from putting his bottles and teats in the dryer to throwing rubbish and putting his dirty clothes into his designated laundry basket.

Stay little for that wee bit more?

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