Like all eager beaver parents, we signed him up for Heguru at a grand old age of 1 year old. Here's how it went for us, there were no trials to test and it was upfront signing up of a term and wham you swim or float or drown. (OK, not so serious since it was parent accompanied). It is no secret that there...
I suppose I'd never forget how Speckie arrived even if I didn't document it...and just in case I do, here's it...a good 22 months later. The last gynae visit The 37th week gynae visit came and went with the first CTG scan and I thought I got myself acquainted with the beeping device since first time moms hardly had births early anyway. SO...
Thank you for making me a Mom and until you think getting sloppy kisses from your Mom is uncool...:) Let me just enjoy these moments. Mother's day came and went and in true was just chaotic. 645am He headbutted off the bed and landed with my pregnancy pillow cushioning his fall and the husband literally leapt out of bed and I...
With just 2 months shy of the TWO big celebrations we have lined up for him....I am getting a tad emotional listing all these milestones... This month he surprised us with his linguistic progress - he is officially bilingual (fist pump), not a biggie but in my household where Chinese is hardly used (though we as his parents are effectively trilingual)...and if you've...