
Mother's Day 2018

3:54 PM


 Thank you for making me a Mom and until you think getting sloppy kisses from your Mom is uncool...:) Let me just enjoy these moments.

Mother's day came and went and in true fashion...it was just chaotic.

645am He headbutted off the bed and landed with my pregnancy pillow cushioning his fall and the husband literally leapt out of bed and I barely woke up.

730am The bub attempted to gouge the Hubba's eyes and yank my hair out. I finally woke up to my second mother's day.


9am For the first time in yonks we arrived on time for service, sunday school and made it in time for my cake pickup at 1045am. Oh gosh, the precision really in planning all these appointments.

11am On time for Mother's Day Brunch...hooray!

1230pm Cyrus was relatively well behaved for most part of the brunch until....the last packet of quinoa and beet snacks was empty. I'm thankful I had 75 minutes to digest lunch.

330pm Nap up and the bub was ready to burn all of his energy and mine. We played toddler bowling, sorted pasta and lego before it was time to prep to dinner!

6pm Mother's day dinner and it was definitely not complete without drama. The helper put the ice bag into the car without the cake. HURHUR.


So back home we went to sing songs as if it's our birthday and it's time to eat cake! He had his first taste of chiffon...and he LOVED IT.

That kinda of wrapped up my Mother's Day with three cards. Two from Cyrus and one from the Hubba, three dresses and another celebration to add to my memory bank. 

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