
Emil Chau Sing What Song World Tour 2015

11:11 AM
I finally bought tickets to Emil Chau's concert after attending Sammi's dutifully year after year. Walking into a full stadium had to be the best feeling on earth, almost a validation for picking the right concert even before it even started! I mused to the Hubba saying that we looked out of place because we definitely weren't the oldest in the crowd and...


me-and-you time

Films at the Fort

9:51 AM
Films at Fort was somehow under the radar until this year, and I was glad I booked us tickets early enough for one of the early films shown. Fort Canning Hill it was then for this huge event that probably saw close to two hundred people attending - and parking is a bitch so public transport is highly recommended. Time for a picnic!...


home & decor

Flower therapy with fleuriste.sg

9:48 AM
August has been a lucky month so far, I scored a pair of invites to Fleuriste.sg's first floral workshop! It has been ages since I even bought flowers for the house, much less have time to make a bouquet and the Hubba was dragged along and we aptly termed it "bonding time". Spotting this whole row of flowers only made me smile, gorgeous...


online shopping

Cashback with ShopBack!

2:04 PM
I have not looked back since the days of online shopping started. Infact, apart from grocery shopping, I do not even shop at physical stores. Who does not love a cheap bargain or good deal?  Bargain hunter me is glued to my computer when I am dollars away from opening the gate of additional % rebate from my favourite credit card Additional discounts...


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