
Emil Chau Sing What Song World Tour 2015

11:11 AM

I finally bought tickets to Emil Chau's concert after attending Sammi's dutifully year after year. Walking into a full stadium had to be the best feeling on earth, almost a validation for picking the right concert even before it even started! I mused to the Hubba saying that we looked out of place because we definitely weren't the oldest in the crowd and I am talking about elderly with walking sticks hobbling!

His ardent fans very thoughtfully planned a surprise for their idol.

I wish my iPhone would do justice to the lighting...

Thank god for screens.

10,000 in attendance.

His version of "Let it go" definitely brought a round of laughter and smiles.

With our phones litted up, it was a magical moment indeed with a huge singalong too.

The best 3 hours ever spent at a concert, Emil Chau may have forgotton a whole song or even lyrics but hey, he is only human. And a bloody talented one who still holds his chops at 54. Accompanied by his super awesome band and pianist, there was none of the fanfare or gaudy costume changes, it was him as I knew him over the telly, radio and compact disc.

Thank you for the magical night Emil Chau, my first and definitely not the last!

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