
Films at the Fort

9:51 AM

Films at Fort was somehow under the radar until this year, and I was glad I booked us tickets early enough for one of the early films shown. Fort Canning Hill it was then for this huge event that probably saw close to two hundred people attending - and parking is a bitch so public transport is highly recommended.

Time for a picnic! Or, just purchase off the kitchens of Providore if slaving at the stove hours before the movie date is not your idea of fun. 

Truly, it wasn't mine as well but it ended that way. I should've brought a larger mat though the grass was comfy enough and there are cushions for sale at $13.50 on site and $10 on their website for the complete cinematic experience.

The gastro lineup that day included dorito crusted chicken tenders, hello kitty tuna pasta, lemongrass minced pork satays and soda to clink our bottles to.

Complimentary icecream scoops from Ben and Jerry's. Our icecreams melted way too fast - the global warming shizz is real.

The Broken Circle Breakdown was my pick for the night, and I was not quite expecting a tearjerker but it was. In a nutshell, this tragic flick tells the loss of their young daughter threaten to destroy the love and faith of two married musicians and more. 

No one left with a dry eye and was one of those sobering movies. The movie experience was worth it mesays, including the random birds. I joked with the Hubba coming back with our Ipad and a picnic mat to replicate this experience but it is different with a whole crowd...

Bell and Ross, proudly sponsors and the closest we all got to their time pieces was the strap we had around our wrists.

Until next year, see you at Films at the Fort!

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