
We are TWO!

9:27 AM


That's infinity minus two years together. I muse silently at the thought of forever less two years of being annoyed, frustrated and amused all at once.Wasn't it just yesterday that we turned one or even got married??? Time flies, aye.

Cotton anniversary it is and as usual, I had to include that in the gifts...LOL. Enjoy the cotton my dear Hubba!

We are at a stage of not being newly weds and neither are we 老夫老妻, surely I get around his quirks alot better than I used to but...like my parents say, the journey ahead is loooooooooong. 

5 things I learnt in our second year

52 recipes is possible for a noob cook

And I did. Accomplished 52 and more recipes, making the mom uber proud of me - one a previous anti-kitchen, homeware person. Not the bestest cook around but I will survive in a war at least!

Fart, burp, puke...so? 

I used to be so anal about this. SO ANAL. I could not bear to let go of any unwanted baggages infront of my boyfriends. Puking included..cos it would make me look so bad.

But now? Er. We compete for the last fart. And oh, the mister can burp on demand. Anyone wants to hire him?

Let it GO

So they all say don't let the anger simmer and solve all problems within the same day but really, at times it is about letting go of the argument when appropriate. Time is not the yardstick of who has the better argument, moving on is.

Movie night, wut? 

I think the last time we caught one excluding inflight entertainment was during a charity movie event. And really because I was organizing it. Hur hur.

Homecooked sounds good! 

Yes, I have preferred a stay home night to a late night restaurant-bar prowling. OH OH.

I may still get annoyed with your messy habits just like you secretly abhor my colouring your boxers or towels a uniform shade of pink but thank you for the last 2 years. Happy anniversary! :)

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