
Dear Speckie

12:00 PM

I am in sucha severe backlog of posts, sometimes I wish time would stop for me to complete all these jumbled updates. Here's a post written quite awhile ago, our musings which still crack me up. 


Today you turn 14 weeks, the size of a lemon and the app says you start to grow peach fuzz all over!

Momma and Dadda had a talk about pairing you with a dear friend's son - the assumption is, if you are a girl! Then I joked about how Dadda would be super protective and follow you on your first date. And if anyone dares to break your heart, he will punch them.

*At the point, tears well up and I blame nothing but the hormones*


Momma made her first purchase for you this week -  it's a lightbox!!! I think I'm more excited than anyone else about this box...which will be featured in all photography sessions...think baby styling and all the cutesy stuff.

Dadda thinks I'm bonkers when I go gaga over baby moccasins and even a baby teepee for your stuffed toys. He says maybe you won't like to wear shoes. Hurhur.
Then comes the eternal debate of how we want you to look like - Mommy's eyes, Daddy's nose and lips that are an in between. AND Daddy says that looks like Mr Potato. =_="""" Momma is not impressed.

How are you inside? I choked on my own saliva and ended up coughing till I nearly puked - Grandma says it must have felt like tornado inside with these thunderous sounds up above. We already look forward to meeting you in July...now will it come quick?


I cried because the expectations of impending parenthood proved a bit too much to bear, and dadda was away for most of the month. The things that your grandparents do so selflessly for us - and grandma says these are the things I will do for you next time.

*tap starts running again*

What if we aren't good enough parents? What if this and that and...argh, the hormones.


Dadda made me laugh so hard when I asked him why pregnancy isn't for men -

  1. Men are pussies when it comes to pain
  2. Men will eat more shit than women during pregnancy
  3. If men get constipated during pregnancy, their assholes will be ripped apart when they finally shit
Talk about sacrifices all for you, this tiny human being. And the sweetest moment came when he said for Momma he will be up for pregnancy. CHEY! hahaha...better than naught since it is biologically impossible anyway.


Deciding on your name. I always thought Gabriel would have been ideal but somehow that did not materialize eventually.


The rage of "Descendants of the Sun" was still high, so high that the IN thing now was to have DOTS-theemed pre-wedding shoots and I joked with the Hubba about having a themed maternity shoot and he responded quite plainly,

"But we are having the Descendence of the SON."

"...." And I very much wanted to strangle him alive with a comment like that.

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