Since we decided against having a fab first bash, I took on more things into my plate and decided to be the most enthusiastic mother around. I mean that's what moms do anyway, plan 100 things and achieve hopefully 99. The thrill of baking him his first cake made me do this and it's just one of those things I wanted to check...
This entry was timed to go out nearing his big ONE and last week, ST ran an article on parents splashing on such celebrations. For sure there will be opposing camps and views to how much should be spent on this special milestone and in response, this is my take. :) Where do we start on this since it's supposed to be a...
Admittedly, I am not much of a backpack person...until motherhood came along and changed the rules of the game. I tried babywearing and carrying his diaper bag and it was definitely one of the most calorie burning activities ever and the arm was definitely very used by the end of day. Gaston Luga is a Swedish backpack retailer located in the heart of...
Playkeroo at 100AM replaces Red Bean Park and having recc-ed it on a weekday, the weekend crowds are a far cry from their weekday situation. What I loved about it? Prices are very friendly and with the pass, this ranks amongst the cheapest in the market for an indoor playground. On a good day without so many kids screaming and running all over...