
Playkeroo at 100AM

10:48 AM

Playkeroo at 100AM replaces Red Bean Park and  having recc-ed it on a weekday, the weekend crowds are a far cry from their weekday situation.

What I loved about it?

Prices are very friendly and with the pass, this ranks amongst the cheapest in the market for an indoor playground.

On a good day without so many kids screaming and running all over the place, this is how their area for babies under 18 months old looks like.

Over the weekends, imagine just chaos with things strewn everywhere and kids running amok.

Play area is considerably adequate for babies with a ball pit, slide, human sized keyboard and also a burrow which freaked C out.

What I did not?

I could be pampered by the more well equipped indoor playgrounds and this was rather ordinary in my opinion though the concept was interesting - indoor playground coupled with a nail spa and animal rides too.

Will I be back?

Probably over weekdays, there was almost no control over weekends nor staff who bothered to check if the older kids were intruding into the baby area. I witnessed a Primary 3 kid throwing gym balls all over and missing our babies by the inches. TSK.

Sigh turns out this will be their last one or two weeks of operations. :( Tough running business!

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