
Why we decided against a first birthday bash

11:36 AM

This entry was timed to go out nearing his big ONE and last week, ST ran an article on parents splashing on such celebrations. For sure there will be opposing camps and views to how much should be spent on this special milestone and in response, this is my take. :)

Where do we start on this since it's supposed to be a Onederful One and it sets the tone for all future birthdays. I remember frowning upon the idea of babies not having a first bash to commemorate their first years and think that these parents are just giam siap.

(Sorry to the friend for using his cake for this post even!)

The unnecessary invitees

I think these grate on me more than I think they do. What usually starts out to be a cosy gathering ends up more often than not, a bash of some sorts with attendees that weren't intended in the first place. Friends of, cousins of...and the list goes on. I've had my wedding attended by a friend's friend just "because he had nowhere to go." so you get the drift.

What I hated about having a full month even

I'd like to wave this off and say never again. The crazy amount of effort going to so many places getting stuff - helium tank, trays of soon kueh and ang ku kueh...and doing set  up an hour before the party and having guests arrive earlier is nervewrecking to say the least. Did he remember? Of course not. Were we knackered? You bet.

So why do it again?  

And of course watching the people around me sweat it out from the weeks before the party to the week before, the day before and actual day...I am just not ready to go through all that again. 

Sigh, so pretty to look at and it sure got all the kids happy but these definitely went into everyone else's tummies except the birthday girl! 

The trade off

So then private affair it shall be with the close ones and enough birthday cake that the bub will remember the day for. Plus he gets to taste cake! Maybe he will or will not lament about not having any of those fondant cakes bigger than him in future but I hope he knows we love him all the same and birthdays aren't just about showing the whole world he is getting a year older.

What did I trade it off for?

A family shoot, DIY cake smash shoot (which I'm hoping against all odds will turn out fine...!), an excursion and family dinner. Well most importantly, we are taking it easy and enjoying this special one year of being parents...being chill.

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