
Waka Waka by Polliwogs

9:21 AM


That should sum up our impression of Waka Waka on a public holiday no less! Granted it was crazy packed with so many people - the Hubba even reconnected with a friend at Waka Waka (what are the odds, really!)

This newest playground under the Polliwogs Group was definitely newer than East Point's and wildly popular amongst kids as a playground and party venue.

What I loved?


Everything, the water bed that C loved so much (for a nanosecond, I'd have gotten something similar at home for him just so he'd lounge), the slide with water effects...the brickhouse too! There was so much for the babies in that confined space and kept him so entertained, I was impressed. 


Waddling around the brickhouse.

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These wall installations kept him entertained for a fair bit.

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What I didn't?

The number of kids running all over and try as the staff did to keep the older kids out of bounds of the baby area, they still made their way in and caused quite a commotion.

What's next?

Family pass next, I'm so keen to be back already! The almost 2 hour session got the little one so tired, he slept moments after we closed the car doors on him! Hooray!

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