
Keep those mozzies away with Mozzieguard!

5:17 PM

~Product Review~


Living in Singapore and also residing in an area that is highly prone to dengue, I grew up particularly wary of mosquitos in general. I'm not sure if I should be proud that I am immune to one strain of dengue (that leaves 2 more to be immune to, haha!), but everytime the banners go up on the cases within the area I have a mini panic attack.


The zika virus also threw us into a pandemonium somewhat, and I can only thank my lucky stars C was already born. I remember rushing to get mozzie stickers and hunting down insect repellent (all the way to Bangkok because supplies locally were almost wiped out every other day). I was so kiasu, I even bought mozzie pins off taobao just to make sure every part of him was protected.


The quest for DEET Free repellents was a tough one since majority have DEET in them and there was an ongoing controversy on that. 

 Truth be told, even before Kaiser Pharmaceutical approached me to do a review for them, I was already a customer!

So the big question is what makes Kaiser Pharmaceutical's Mozzieguard any different from those in the market place?

Their Mozzieguard 100% Natural Lemon Eucalyptus Oil Repellent Patches come in 10 individual packed patches (I am anal about this having used stickers that are not sealed but sold in ziplogged bags), DEET Free and made from 100% Natural Lemon Eucalyptus Oil! I am not on the essential oils band wagon yet but I am sure those who swear by them know about the effects of lemon eucalyptus oil, one of which is its efficacy keeping those mozzies at bay!

Frivolous me actually likes how it blends in with his outfits as a blue patch. 

The biggest plus point on top of all the good things about these patches? They are available via their online website (quote "mozzie" upon checkout for free delivery!) as well as at all SPC Petrol Kiosks and Eu Yan Sang TCM Clinics.

Keep those mozzies away and our children safe today! 

Samples of Mozzieguard were given for review. No monetary compensation has been received. All thoughts and comments are purely our own. 

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