Happy 29 months baby boy! With every month that passes, you never fail to frustrate-annoy us a weebit more but we also marvel at how much of your babyhood you've left behind. Has it really been 29 long months? All your caregivers cannot help but look back and just give a huge sigh of relief how far we've come. This month... You graduated...
28 months and with just 2 months left to Play Group, I am left a little emotional about the little man being promoted to N1 at school and even swim class. No more the littlest. Next year brings more changes and more classes...I just hope he loves what we have planned out! "I don't know", "Let me think about it..." are phrases new...
TWENTY SEVEN MONTHS. The numbers just get larger eh...we're seeing your character emerge slowly and surely though it really is not too far off from how you were like in the womb, much less the earlier months of babyhood. This month, we celebrate you... Being in love with school. Our second parent teacher meeting saw a glowing report (well which preschooler would have...
We attended our first Esplanade play - The Bird who are afraid of heights at the studio and it was a free seating event. My bad for arriving just minutes of the show since I was not expecting the show to even start on time (talk about practices locally). The play was about a bird who was afraid of heights and he had...
Just two months into this terrible twos, there are days that are extra challenging and days that aren't. I guess as parents, we forget the unhappy and focus on the happy. In fact, August has been such a happening month...where do we start! We officially started him on a multi sports programme, so no more flash cards and academic related classes for now...we're...
July was such a month for us - the terrific twos and on the health front I suffered a fair bit before Cyrus had a bout of high fever and rashes for a full week (!!!). And I haven't gotten down to documenting how we celebrated his second and now we are in his 25th month. Time, flies...too fast. Tantrums have gotten so...
Somewhere down the road I decided to make/bake/create a dessert for him to celebrate his monthly birthday and I did! 13 months - Yogurt drops while we had a banana chocolate swiss roll from Flor. 14 months - Bread while we had a swiss roll 15 months - He fussed while we tucked into strawberry shortcake! 16 months - Baked bananas on bread...
With that, 24 months flew us by and we have been parents for two years. TWO. Looking back at his newborn photos and videos, those send a tear or two rolling down my cheek. How far have we really come when just today, we have serious adult conversations and he answers me almost without prejudice and the most conviction to the simplest questions...
How could we the fans of gardens miss out on their Children's Festival? I did not intend to visit it so many times but we made a total of 3 trips to finish the attractions we wanted to visit. Talk about hardcore and the toddler is increasingly unwilling when it comes to posing for photos. Children's Festival had Enid Blyton as the focus,...
Aviva Fundae 2018 was our first encounter and thanks to all the good reviews from fellow mummy friends, I thought we'd go have some good fun. It was scorching at 3pm and boo for not taking note of that. There were two different entrances, one for goodie bag collection and another unofficial one near The Meadow's carpark. Branding everywhere. So our tickets entitled...