
Milestone Update: 29 Months

5:00 PM


Happy 29 months baby boy!

With every month that passes, you never fail to frustrate-annoy us a weebit more but we also marvel at how much of your babyhood you've left behind. Has it really been 29 long months? All your caregivers cannot help but look back and just give a huge sigh of relief how far we've come.

This month...

  • You graduated out of playgroup (another post! Momma's always lagging in her posts) and it was an emotional affair for me...11 months of school and we've seen you check off so many milestones. You adore school so much, taking you home is a pain sometimes. 
  • This month you learnt how to dunk your head under water during swim class - YAY! 
  • We're stopping soccer classes for a while this month...just so everyone can have a good weekend without rushing for classes. 
  • You've started categorising your friends and clearly your best friends are boys. You got so upset when one of them refused to share his biscuit with you, you had a nightmare. Seeing you trio break into giggles and run all over school grounds always makes me wish you'd never get to experience the bad side to all friendships. 
  • We're seeing more logic in your sentences..."Cycy scared of grandfather clock because..." and there's always a legit reason. 
  • You outgrew your fear of tunnels at last, declaring yourself a brave boy. HAHA. 
  • While you love food with all your heart, your preferences remain fiercely - the same food as us. Thankfully cooking same food as you has saved us several episodes of unnecessary meltdowns! 
  • You've begun a keen interest in lego, trains and guns (must be that nerf gun your friend gifted you.)
And because 1 December fell on a weekend, I had alot up my sleeves for this special month day! 

We had a breakfast of homemade oat panckes with a drizzle of raw honey! While it seems he ain't a huge pancake fan but like his dad, he would finish it anyway. 


And curry chicken for dinner! Just because I felt like cooking it for him since he tried it in school for Deepavali celebrations.


Look who's excited!


Om nom!


ANDDDD... to top it off we had our first advent calendar! 24 days of lego fun! :)

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