Before having a kid, I would not have stopped nor paused to observe the creepy crawlies that coexist in the same eco system. While there are some I deem harmless, there are clearly others I have no qualms squashing and waving it goodbye. One of the nights we had a little visitor snug on the curtains and caught the attention of Cyrus. We...
Dental health is so important and hearing of children as young as 4 or 5 undergoing root canals, it just breaks my heart. And it isn't even on their adult teeth! So then, fear definitely drove me to actively be on the lookout for dental care for Cyrus. We started brushing his teeth with Jack and Jill's finger brush before he turned 1,...
Our plans to visit the gardens for the umpteenth time was canned because of sakuras which got everyone too excited. So...we ended up at a public playground to let Cyrus burn off some energy. And this happened, two girls politely asked if they could play with him. Of course, I agreed...and they took such good care of him, I was children before...
I have been a disney fan all, perhaps it is about fairy tales to me and in this make believe fantasy, the good always prevails though somewhere down the line of watching Cinderella 100 times and growing up, the real world was hardly like it in Disney. Disney on Ice it was then to introduce this magical world to C, maybe he would...
With the first quarter almost over, I have to finish all these backlog entries! So before he started school for good, we went off for our last vacay of 2017! I'm sucha huge hello kitty fan and his face is telling of his nonchalance. I cannot believe we let Christmas and New Year slip us by. There was just too much happening and...
The fear has not died down since the number of cases has not stagnated and we ended up with more from the other classes and older kids. Day 26: He was supposed to be joined by new friends the week before but nobody showed up still, I guess we could say this 1:1 attention was "worth the money" yet not in an ideal...
With bated breaths we took on a very fun-filled weekend, he smiled and laughed and threw his tantrums but weekends are always such fun times I fear Monday. Particularly when we were progressing to longer hours in school. He showed some interest in staying with his classmates when they napped towards the end of Week 3, so I guess that was a sign...
I was looking forward to this week because it'd be his first water play session in school and I had all his items labeled and packed. Day 21: THE call By now, we kind of formed a routine with the drop off. We'll head over to his classroom, drop off his items and then to breakfast. Say our goodbyes and then do a...
With 4 months away to the big 2...part of me is reluctant to let you grow up so fast. (And I say it on a good day)...on bad days I so wish you are already 18. And here's some updates! We tried getting him to speak Chinese, at least mimic what we say and good lordy, sounds like a potato speaking! Cantonese was way more...