
Week 4: Onward to full day childcare!

12:30 PM

With bated breaths we took on a very fun-filled weekend, he smiled and laughed and threw his tantrums but weekends are always such fun times I fear Monday. Particularly when we were progressing to longer hours in school.

He showed some interest in staying with his classmates when they napped towards the end of Week 3, so I guess that was a sign we could go ahead with our plans.

Day 16: Napping in school

Armed with a heavier bag, we dropped him off rather happily. I snuck out in a corner stealing peeps at him as he made his way to his second breakfast unaware of the longer than usual day ahead. Guilty me even prepped his favourites at breakfast - blueberries!

First extended half day and he actually napped! I was prepping for a situation where he fought nap because of a strange environment.

Day 17: New bedtime preferences!

By the second day he had a opinion about his grobag, a sleep aid that we've been using since he was 3 months old. On day 16 we thought it was him being naughty and by night of day 17, he kicked, resisted, pulled off the milk bottle to holler his preference of doing away with his grobag.

And we wonder, was it because of school? Where nobody actually slept with one and he probably associated it to being a baby and suddenly did not want it anymore. Sigh, my dear boy...just remain little a wee bit more?

There, I tucked away his well used, well worn, squishy as hell grobags with milk stains to prove how far we have come together. I stole a glance at the almost brand new 24-36 month old grobag meant for his transition and cannot help but sigh.

Day 18: First time mama didn't drop off

And he waltz in like a champ, no tears, no fuss...I guess we can officially say our boy's a fan of school...except nap time which seems to have dwindled from a decent hour to just 15 minutes.

Day 19: Little mister fusspot

The day began cranky because he officially decided his socks were so precious to shower without. The crying and tantrum bout lasted a good 10 minutes before I decided to ruthlessly yank the dripping wet socks from him (yes, he insisted on showering holding them).

I guess that kind of set the tone of the day too for him. Fingers crossed he wouldn't tekan his teachers too much!

Day 20:  He fell...splat!
Drop off was good and I was almost lamenting the week coming to an end and Monday could be another of those blue days until I received a call from his teacher. Calls from the school are hardly a good thing and he fell and grazed his nose. Some cries later and he got so interested in the ice used to ice the grazed area, we were all good until he fell again. No further updates from the school but thankfully nothing major.

4 weeks in school and at 82 weeks old, I am just relieved we are on plan. His main caregivers have kinda gotten a decent bit of freedom back and now let's keep him as healthy as possible though HFMD cases have started in some parts of the island and our first case of ZIKA?!

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