
20 months: Milestone update

2:20 PM


With 4 months away to the big 2...part of me is reluctant to let you grow up so fast. (And I say it on a good day)...on bad days I so wish you are already 18.

And here's some updates!

  • We tried getting him to speak Chinese, at least mimic what we say and good lordy, sounds like a potato speaking!
  • Cantonese was way more hilarious.
  • Boy he can run...and you run so fast, sometimes we feel he's a hamster on wheels!
  • He makes friends so well, from the waiter in the restaurant (he even held his hand and went off to see the water fountain) to the person on the road...
  • He saw my newly acquired beauty and the beast cup and immediately claimed it as yours. DAMN. Well who can say no to you baby boy?
  • His appetite is ginormous - in a single seating he inhaled a portion of brown rice, baked cheese ginger lemon fish and pork, corn kernels, corn and celery soup, 2/3 apple, 1 strawberry, 2/3 avocado, some mozzarella cheese strips, a handful of blueberries, 2 spoons of avocado banana icecream. We all feared he would throw up thereafter! Bottomless pit this one!
  • We started swim classes too! More updates to come.
  • He's starting to have a mind of his own, he insisted on wearing socks before swim class, got so upset one morning when we removed his socks and he realized there were no potatoes (we had turned to natural remedies for that nasty flu that wouldn't go away!) and...demanded Momma open my mouth because he saw me swallow the rest of your avocado in lightning speed so you wouldn't inhale the remaining 1/3! Man oh man, your antics never fail to make us all laugh.
We all love you so much...and wish you know so dearly behind every "no" is so much love for you.

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