
Milestone Update: 30 months

10:35 AM


30 months, 2.5 years and it used to baffle me why anyone would count their children's ages in weeks or even months. Will it not be easier in years? But I do get it...every week in the first year is worth celebrating and then months. Not that life should not be celebrated there after, it's just odd to be counting a toddler's age in weeks beyond 52!

December whisked us by and I do have alot to update and as usual never enough time.

  • We upgraded him to a tricycle this Christmas and he has been paddling all over...too cute! And he amazed me with his penchant for obstacles. He chanced upon some cones and decided to do zigzag cycling...and insisted he perfected it. Naw, WHERE and WHO did he get that streak from? 
  • We did JB over Christmas and it was not without drama, 4am cruising past the causeway meant the champ was rudely awakened but he was unusually obedient, not even fussing! We had plenty of adventures then and clearly he was too excited to sleep and came down with fever on 27th December, immediately after our hols. TSK. 
  • His grasp of languages amuse us alot, he's picked up random malay and cantonese phrases! We do have decent conversations these days and I am always taken aback by this toddler wisdom. "Ah gong, you don't drink mama's bottle. You take your own." Wutttt???
  • "Popo, get the man to fix it." when he heard the aircon rattling away. 
  • He officially completed 1 month of transition into N1 so here's the real deal this January. 


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