
The Art Ground - Through the installations

4:43 PM

I am a fan of indoor playgrounds for the simple fact it is sheltered and it provides entertainment and enough activity for Cyrus to be adequately engaged. The Art Ground is a lovely collaboration between National Art Council and different artistes.

This entry took way longer than I expected and so many visits, we literally grew with Artground!


19 April - 19 August 2018

The first time we step foot was during Daiya's installation and with no expectations, we were pleasantly surprised what was in store!


Designed by educator Daiya Aida from Japan, we saw alot of slides. Curves were the main shapes used in the installation and the kids had a whale of time scrambling up and down them. I love how the slopes are so gentle and even if there are falls, they aren't as bad as sharp corners!

The stage had a busy board too for the pre walkers.


Our monkey tackling one of the slopes.


Clearly having a ball of time.


And practicing his art of free fall.


Of course he discovered the beauty of hidden holes.


And him fiddling with one of the busyboards.


We went so many times and fell in love with this free play space.


Seeing those smiles were well worth!


30 August - 6 January 2019

The second installation was way more colourful and there was focus on the special needs kids with sensory corners.


Nur Aida Binte Sa’ad takes over with a brand new concept, there is alot more exploration with pops of colours and I love how the whole area transformed into a wonderland. There are slides, rock walls, trapezes and even a makeshift wheel. 


I love this even as an adult!


It is a pity the slides are way too steep for toddlers and the only way up is climbing..no stairs! Lots of supervision is required here. 


The toddler scrambling up and down like a champ!


And he decided a slide could be tackled bottom up. Face palm moment.

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These pompoms are so cute but they did end up getting yanked by the kids.


On one of the many visits we paid to this cheery place.


I couldn't resist snooping on him as he explored the playground!


Wild Rumpus by Adeline Lee
24 Jan - 5 May 2019


Of the three this showcased more textures, crochet creations, wood, lights and beads even. I'm not sure about the children but there sure was a sensory overload even for me!


Fancy a see saw ride on the monster?


Or take shelter in a sequined canopy?


This slide was a natural magnet for the kids, I liked how more gradual the slide was as opposed to the last installaion and how the sides doubled as chalk boards for doodling.


This little monster is made for climbing - or so my own little monkey did instead of explore it under.

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The wacky duo marking their territories at the foot of the monster's legs.


And us in the colourful corner with books.

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When he was not going up and down the slides he was poking his nose into the maintenance work that was done on the planks. 

Do you have a preferred collaboration? I'm loving all and cannot wait for more! 

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